And for our next star – Scott

Yes THAT Scott for those who knew him in another life.
The recruitment rate is hotting up. Two new bloggers in as many days!
This one will be bit of a mystery for some of you.
But as the founder and editor of this rapidly growing still new home on the internet, I (Adrian) couldn’t wait to let you know.
The man of mystery, man of humour, he of the many virtual CLL sister wives is joining us here as an author. I am sure he will bring his own brand of irreverence and honesty.
And at some point in the middle of laughing so hard your sides hurt, you will catch a glimpse or two of the great wisdom that is also part of this friend of mine.
And so without further ado, or at least not much anyway, please welcome to the stage the inimitable SCOTT as he brings us his new creation
“Not Scary Answers“

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