Barbel Sullivan-Stutz
I am Barbel Sullivan-Stutz from Germany. I am 72 years old as of July 2021 and I am a retired teacher but also have a nursing background 53 years prior. At the moment, I am active in supporting patients in their cancer journey. I was diagnosed with terminal CLL in 2017, treated, and then had 30 months in complete remission. In 2020 I relapsed and, after 2nd treatment, I am now (as of March, 2021) in remission again. I've started writing about my journey in a German support group called Schreibwerkstatt KBS and will continue the journey here on Blood Cancer Uncensored. I am fluent in both German and English languages.
We can never know too much about the way our bodies behave. Here are some good resources for understanding the human body and the immune system. Also …
Many patients report that they develop anxiety due to a very severe disease. But is this the only cause? In order to reflect on this, I have to go bac…
#1 Get vitamins through what you eat! Here is a video that explains supplements and diet further:Patient Power - Diet and Supplements: What Do CLL Pat…
These are Barbel's recent picks from things happening in blood cancer research or for things that will help you all to gain understanding of blood can…
Minimal Residual Disease or MRD is a common term used in CLL treatment and it can be tested from bone marrow and/or blood. It is often determined by a…