Initial GOSH chemotherapy diary for 9 year old AML patient Nathaniel Nabena. Treated thanks to donations

A huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have donated, commented, prayed…. without you, Nathaniel wouldn’t be where he is now!26 APRIL 2021by Sharyn MJ, Team MemberBitter Sweet Update – Please read to the end. 

Read the Rest of Nathaniel Nabena’s story or visit the GoFundMe page

Nathaniel is finally in remission! MRD < 0.001, thanks to God and the wonderful doctors in Great Ormond Street Hospital, what looked impossible from the onset has became possible! The buildup of a stem cell transplant is on, the search for a donor has started as immediate family have been tested and unfortunately none of us are a complete match for him.

Devastatingly, our fundraising is not enough to cover the cost of the Stem Cell Transplant and we have been given a deadline of 14th of May to find £202,000 for the next stage as the funds need to be available for the hospital to go ahead. Nathaniel has came so far and if we can’t raise the funds, we can’t even bare to think about what will happen. 

Thank you to each and every person who has donated or shared Nathaniel’s story and fundraiser. Without you, we would not have even got the first stage of treatment, you are all life savers – literally. 

Please continue to share and donate if you can. 

God bless you all! 

The Nabena Family

14 APRIL 2021 Nathaniel after a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, due to the chemo drugs, his hair has fallen off, he is not happy but most of all he is responding to treatment, the result of the bone marrow will enable the doctors fashion out the next treatment plan, fingers crossed.

Nathaniel had a few unexpected stays in hospital due to a blood clot and infection 😢 but he is doing fine now ⭐️Everyday he is admitted to hospital, even out of precaution, the cost is added to the hospital bill and it is mounting up everyday 😞

Everyone involved with the Nabena family are concerned about the funds for Nathaniel’s treatment, we are nowhere near the target, we have no idea when the next invoice will come and the funds are running out. We have approached so many government entities, charities, businesses, advisors etc to try and secure Nathaniel’s future treatment or even safe accommodation for him right now, but we keep hitting brick walls 😢

Please, if someone knows how I can support this family better, please let me know. I worry everyday that I cannot do enough to help them 💔⚠️

Do you know someone who could assist? Do you know someone who may be interested in donating? Know someone with a property the family could use to stay near Great Ormond Street Hospital? ⚠️

We need as much help as we can muster… please spread the word. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in this families situation 😢 Nathaniel has been through enough!

Ashley Cain managed to raise £1.5 million in a few days for his beautiful daughter, I just hope we can do the same without the celebrity status for Nathaniel.

30 MARCH 2021 HE DID IT! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

With the help of the amazing team at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Nathaniel has made it through the FIRST stage of trial treatment of Ventoclax & Azacitidine and with huge success. Nathaniel was allowed to leave GOSH for a while after 3 weeks admitted. The road is still long and without the funds to guarantee treatment, we are all of course concerned about what the future holds for Nathaniel. But for now, we rejoice in happiness that he has made it through this first stage!

There are NO visible tumours on his scans and he is right on track for his Stem Cell Transplant. With your donations and the amazing doctors and nurses at GOSH, we really believe Nathaniel can recover from this. 

PLEASE keep sharing, donating, supporting – we are so grateful for everything you have helped us achieve for Nathaniel and we just hope we can fund the next stage. 

Please help us share Nanthaniel’s story as without people around the world donating, we wouldn’t have secured this treatment. 
THANK YOU! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

12 MARCH 2021 Update from the family ⭐️: 

Nathaniel is done with the first cycle of Azacitidine and started on Venetoclax today! He is getting better day by day! 

Thank you to the wonderful team at Great Ormond Street Hospital for looking after Nathaniel so well and to each one of you who have donated and made this first stage of treatment possible ❤️

The next stage of treatment is in sight, but we don’t yet have the funds for this and there is concern about this impacting treatment So please continue to share the fundraising and help us get Nathaniel better. 

Thank you so much everyone! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

5 MARCH 2021 Nathaniel’s bone marrow biopsy came back that he could start Azacitidine this morning! 

He is doing well and getting the best care we could have hoped for at Great Ormond Street Hospital thanks to all of you who have donated! 

It is because of you he has a chance – we are so grateful! 

Please continue to pray for Nathaniel and keep him in your thoughts ❤️ please share his story xxx

4 MARCH 2021 A message from Ebi, Nathaniel’s father:

I have not posted in a while because I still feel I am dreaming, finally and finally my son Nathaniel is now admitted in Great Ormond Street Hospital and for the first time, there is light at the end of the tunnel, various tests done and also a central line fixed ,I am so grateful to God and everyone here for their prayers and support, we are not yet out of the woods yet but it is a step in fact a major leap in the right direction, I have been crying all day and tears of joy, we still have work to do as we still need to keep raising the funds finally for the stem cell transplant.The love here is overwhelming and I can say we have angels here who made sure this happen,God bless you all,l et us keep up the love here, please do not forget to help share his gofundme page.

3 MARCH 2021 Because of all of you, Nathaniel was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital today for tests before starting his treatment of venetoclax and azacitidine!

The hope is that this will put Nathaniel into remission and allow him to have the stem cell transplant he needs.

We only have enough funds to cover the deposit for Nathaniel’s treatment through the NHS and we have limited time before the next stage of treatment needs to be paid for, so please continue to support if you can so treatment doesn’t stop. 

We are overwhelmed with the level of support from you all at a time when we are under so much financial strain, the public have truly pulled out all the stops to help young Nathaniel and the family are extremely grateful! 

Thank you so much! ❤❤❤

Please share Nathaniel’s story, it’s absolutely free but makes such a huge impact on this campaign ❤❤❤

20 FEBRUARY 2021 Nathaniel had his blood taken to test for genetic mutations, they also checked his blood markers and found his platelets were just 2. He had a transfusion that evening. 

Nathaniel really needs to start his treatment. AML is a very fast developing cancer and time is important. 

We are hoping to get news of his treatment starting soon. 

Thank you everyone for your donations!

Please continue to share Nathaniel’s story so he can secure full treatment.

20 FEBRUARY 2021 Nathaniel enjoyed a delicious birthday cake and pizza for his 9th Birthday, the day his fundraising really took off. 

Thank you everyone for making his birthday a positive one.

Thank you every single one of you who has donated for Nathaniel. The family are very grateful for your kindness and generosity. 

There is still a long way to go, but the minimum deposit required to begin treatment has been raised and we hope to have news of his treatment start date very soon.

Read the Rest of Nathaniel Nabena’s story or visit the GoFundMe pages: Euros or Pounds

Nathaniel’s Angels Facebook Group

Blood Cancer UK on AML in Childhood – only 100 children are diagnosed a year in the UK

Initial chemotherapy diary for 9 year old AML patient treated at GOSH thanks to donations

Nathaniel’s health story and trip to the UK where he got diagnosed with AML

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Nathaniel Nabena
  • Nathaniel Nabena
  • This is the story of the Nabena family. Nathanial is a nine year old boy who developed AML (an aggressive blood cancer) when visiting the UK. On the 2nd May 2021 the family and their supporters were featured on the front page of the Sunday People with the headline ten days to save his life. Since he is not covered by the NHS, funds are needed for a stem cell transplant at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Doctors have agreed to treat him for free but there is still a £200,000 charge for hospital services and medications.

    His story by this point was already remarkable as, thanks in large part to the generosity of readers of the Mirror and Sunday People, he had already made a great initial response to chemotherapy which means he is an ideal candidate for a matched stem cell transplant from an unrelated umbilical chord donor. Sadly many children from a non white ethnic background will never find a match.

    Our prayers and donations can help make sure this little boy lives. Blood Cancer Uncensored is proud to welcome this family as contributors to our site.

    Donate at GoFundMe pages in Euros or Pounds

    Nathaniel's Angels Facebook Group