Could YOU help explain the plight of blood cancer patients feeling unsafe and unable to get the treatments they want?

We want to hear your stories. Sadly we are even hearing of people who tried and failed to get preventative COVID19 treatments, or the antivirals for when you have covid19 and have passed away. We are sorry for your loss if you are reading this. As hard as it is to do this, some are thinking about speaking out like our dear friend Mel, Tom’s wife did.
But do remember that not everyone with blood cancer who catches COVID19 will have a severe illness. Many of our readers and even a couple of our writers have managed to fight it off just fine, often with the help of these wonderful treatments.
But we also want to be able to protect ourselves in the first place and try and avoid catching the disease altogether. We want to encourage any budding writers out there to try and put pen to paper as it were to aim for understanding.
Here is a quote from one such attempt I made today. It is focussed at churches and Christians so if you are in those circles maybe this article may help you explain your concerns to others:
“There is an often forgotten marginalised group of people of whom I am a member. You might spot one of them glancing around at other people nervous, as they move about somewhere, now the only one wearing a mask. They are likely to get exceptionally nervous if someone approaches them closely, or insist on talking to them close to their face. They might talk to a shop worker whilst standing in an open doorway of a shop to make an essential visit and minimise their sense of risk. Just this past week I was doing that and the shop owner despite seeing the giveaway mask said “can’t you close the door, It’s cold”” I felt like answering “You can be a bit cold now so I don’t get cold rather more permanently in a coffin”
There are many stories of people being abused verbally even physically for the “crime” of still wearing a mask.

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