COVID19 infection, antibodies and vaccination – video explanation

Right now 1 in 30 Londoners are infective for COVID19 and the NHS here is in crisis. What do we know about how the body fights this disease. Why do some people end up in hospital? How can a blood saturation monitor help you? What do we know about antibodies?
How anti Covid spike protein antibodies are key to understanding the vaccine, monoclonal antibodies and also why some people with impaired immune systems such blood cancer don’t make antibodies and so tend to have more severe illness. I also refer to my personal experience of failing a vaccine trial and needing to start soon on IVIG as well as enrolling in a monoclonal antibody covid19 prevention trial.
This video and podcast is an introduction to a series of articles here on
Questions and Answers about vaccines
- How does the immune system work?
- How do vaccines work?
- How do COVID19 vaccines work?
- Should people with blood cancer take the COVID19 vaccine?
- Should I volunteer for a COVID19 Monoclonal antibody passive vaccination study?
- How well do vaccines work in blood cancer patients? The CLL data
- What is passive immunisation?
- What is the evidence for the use of COVID19 vaccines? Do some people get infected even after vaccination?
- “Why is the UK delaying the second dose of COVID19 vaccines?”
- COVID antibodies a video explanation
- Are COVID-19 vaccines made from aborted babies? What is HEK293?
- Do COVID-19 vaccines stop the disease spreading?
- How well is the vaccine working in Israel?
- Do the vaccines work in new variants? What are the J and J and Novavax vaccines and do they work in immune compromised individuals?
- Why and how should I get an antibody test after vaccination?
- More to follow. . . “Which vaccine is best?” “What about the side effects?” “Why are people who’ve had COVID19 being vaccinated?”

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