Journey to Peace–Cara McLaughlin, a Polycythemia Vera Patient’s Point of View #ThisIsBloodCancer

Meet Cara “Bear” McLaughlin, a mother of four whose life changed completely over five years ago when she was diagnosed with PV, which is one of the MPN “orphan” blood cancers. Although she was to have a bumpy road with treatment, this situation was not going to dampen her spirit. She still does the things she loves while trying to raise awareness about this life-changing disease. This means rescuing and raising a baby squirrel named “Honey Bun” into adulthood and caring for the feral cats that come to stay on her vast property. In fact, her property has become an animal sanctuary of sorts as the area around becomes developed into residential homes.
Cara is also a blogger for many years and has been an inspiration to many people. The blog address is below.

Cara agreed to be interviewed by Lisa Wiest and we are sharing that video here. Please enjoy this raw video about her blood cancer journey.

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