Blood Cancer Approved Summer Activities

As summer is here now and for some of us, this is the only time we can get out and enjoy better weather, I have compiled a list of safe activities for us to do and to move about the world safely! We also have more opportunities to spend time with loved ones and to catch up with friends we might not have seen in the past two years. And, I don’t know about you, but it seems like we spend so much time getting to and from medical appointments, that it becomes very important for our mental health to have a change of scenery.
Here is the list not inclusive, of course, and not in any particular order:
Garden walk

Before you go to a public garden, consider the terrain and the size of the area. If it is a big enough place, you might have to buy tickets in advance and perhaps have a reservation. Is is disability friendly? Are there restrooms/toilets? Chatsworth Gardens were immense and we couldn’t see all of it in the time we had available. Check out these beautiful gardens around the world that are amazing! United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany for example!
Farmers/Flea market
This is great because the selection of items is like going on a scavenger hunt. Do I get the first pineapple I see? Will there be a better deal somewhere else? Do I need another lamp? I love my local Rochester NY public market, but it has limited hours and Saturdays are no longer a day to go with the current state of affairs as it is packed with wall to wall people. I found out a few years back that since it is open very early that Thursday mornings are the day to go. Very quiet and easy to navigate. Bring some easy to carry bags so you can carry your purchases easily and to wander to your heart’s content. Where are most fun markets? I have made a list of ideas for our key BCU areas: United States farmer’s markets, United Kingdom flea markets, Canada markets, and Germany fleas!
Book an adventure or go to amusement park

As some of you might know, I was blessed to be able to visit United Kingdom in May. I was interested in Chatsworth House and Gardens because it is featured in one my favorite movies: 2005 version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It was along the way so I was able to see it! It took several hours to do all the parts, which also included an animal section with animals like goats, sheep, ponies, and pigs. But what else can you, your family and friends do together? There are many amusement parks if you are able to do that, but again, I recommend you try to go on the slowest day of the week to avoid crowds. But that is not for all. I found these great ideas for adventure in the United States, some of which are driving trips Also I personally love my local historical cemetery, Mt. Hope Cemetery in Rochester NY.

Also while in England, I did an outdoor adventure at a resort called Hazlewood Castle in North Yorkshire under the Live for Today company. Great reasonably priced fun! There are apps for your smart phone you can download to do geocaching which is where you have to follow a map to find something that has been placed by others, normally in public places and parks throughout the land. Looks like this is a popular activity for all, as I found some interesting places in Canada and Europe too! And best of all, if you have access to free public lands and can print off a map, you can create your own fun. The one we did at Hazlewood had riddles that needed to be solved at each check point, and we were being timed which made things a little competitive. Great team building activity for all! Finally I am going to mention the one thing I am too afraid to actually do, and that is a hot air balloon ride. I know a person who has been gifted such a wonderful thing and has yet to do it (you know who you are) as it is a bit pricey. But in my area, hot air ballooning is truly a wonderful summer adventure. And as far as bucket list things, it is a noble request if you are not afraid of heights. Above I am putting in a plug for my region with tempting balloon ride companies and great views from the sky. Someday….
Walk the dog
Dogs of any age love to get out for a walk! And it is a good activity for humans and canines alike and something the the entire family can enjoy and get a little exercise. One of the coolest things I have ever seen is a man who had a leg amputated who had a mobility scooter with a little dog on a lead, running ahead of him. I wish I had a picture of this, as it looked like the little pup was pulling his human along! We have heard it stated more than once of the health benefits to us for having this regular activity, not to mention the beautiful things we will see along the way: both good for us physically and mentally! Live in a big city or have several months of winter? No problem! Indoor dog walking places exist in variety of places, at least in the USA! Finally, it looks like the love of dogs has trickled into our vacation plans, so if you cannot bear to travel without Fido and want to tour Europe, for example, here are some great dog-friendly holiday ideas!

Go out for ice cream
July is ice cream month in USA, but of course everyone loves ice cream. I have observed that my local grocery store has nearly 3 large rows of coolers of ice cream, which is a little much. So many choices! Clearly, even with the economy in a mess, ice cream is still on everyone’s shopping list and the ice cream stands have long lines on hot days. In fact, statistics show that Americans on average consume more than 12 pounds of ice cream per year. That is a lot! But I am certain we are not alone. I had ice cream several times while in United Kingdom. I wish I had more time to visit so I could actually experience these iconic UK favorites! It is served with desserts, the ice cream truck drove by while I was visiting a friend in Derbyshire, and I visited two ice cream stands (one in Chatsworth and the other in London). And there are many variations of ice cream (look at this list of favorites from Germany and Canada), a few which are lower in fat content. Here in my area, we are home to one of the highest fat content brands of cold treats called custard; technically it is not really ice cream but still very popular in summertime. So, get out with your friends or family and get some ice cream and then go for a walk while you enjoy it!

Festival/Craft bazaar/Fair

The above photo is of Sue White’s husband Nick and one of their lovely grandchildren at the recent Maypole celebration. This was a long awaited event as it had not been held in two years and just occurred at beginning of June. It was convenient for the White family as the festivities took place within walking distance of their home. The event involves many from the community ending with a man climbing the Maypole to spin the fox at the top. Other activities included traditional folk dancing by both adults and children, a brass band, the Maypole Queen’s Procession and crowning, and twirlers majorette performance in addition to the food/craft vendors. Pretty exciting! All around the world outdoor festivals are popular like: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany. Looking for something less costly and hopefully not so crowded? Look for small local county fairs and festivals like the Greek or German ones. There might be an admission cost but it can be like visiting “little Italy” without getting on an airplane.

Zoo or drive through safari
Everyone loves to see wild animals up close! And nowadays, most zoos are doing the animals a service by keeping only ones that need rehab or can no longer live in their original habitat due to illness or injury. Zoos serve educational purposes for teaching people about the variety of animals that live there. This list of the greatest zoos around the world is a great bucket list idea! Like adventure? Try one of these drive through safaris! Bearizona in the USA (near Grand Canyon!), United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany (you can lodge overnight here, which is pretty cool).

Ride your bike

There is nothing quite as exciting as feeling the wind on your face and moving through nature at a fast clip. And the health benefits are nothing to be sneezed at, either. But if you have mobility issues, consider getting out as Adrian, who is pictured below, has been. Obviously, you can travel much further and faster than on foot; but do be cogizant of the fact that you have to find your way back! The outdoors is healing, and no matter how you do it, you are getting outside, enjoying the open air, the beautiful scenery, soaking up some sunshine, and getting some core exercise. There are so many places where you can ride! A popular place to ride in my area, is along the canal path, for example.
Take a hike or drive to the top of a mountain
I am not talking about the hikes that can take more than a day. I am talking about ones we, as blood cancer patients, can do. There are so many options for taking a hike or going on a bird watching excursion. The photo below is a 7.1 mile hike round trip for all skill levels up a very high hill in Wales called Moel Famau. Its claim to fame is beautiful views from the top and is entirely worth the journey. But not every hike has to be uphill and some can be driven and the views from above can be enjoyed by all. For example, an eastern United States favorite, Acadia National Park, can be hiked, driven, and camped upon. I personally grew up near a 2 mile loop that is totally flat and goes through woods and marshland and is home to many kinds of birds…best of all with the small unknown places: no admission fee. Other places globally include Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. Wherever you go, whether it be a long or short hike, make sure you have sun screen, bug repellant, and water!

Camping (or glamping!)
I have learned that there are many different levels of camping. For instance, does the couple in the photograph below look tired or stressed after having to build their campsite? I think not! Camping has become something that all age groups can do, and there are so many options from which to choose. For the adventuresome, you might combine your hike with an overnight stay with a “lean to” for your shelter, and that would be considered the ultimate “roughing it” scenario. Otherwise, if you are like many of us, you would like a roof over your head, and indoor plumbing nearby. There is tent, pod, cabin, and yurt camping! There are so many kinds of campers I finally did a search to see what they are all called. It can be amazing falling asleep to crickets chirping and then to later hear in the depths of the night, something calling like a loon or a coyote (hopefully not too close to your lodgings). And not to mention the star show in the sky that we lose when we get back home to well-populated rural areas. So, no matter what your style, get your reservation now because spots are filling up fast!

Whatever you decide to do–walking, driving, adventuring, fishing, kite flying, bird watching, or sailing–there are many activities which will keep you busy and get your into the great outdoors. Make sure you pack your bag with snacks, water, sunscreen, walking sticks, and head covering in case the journey is long. Take pictures and let us know where you visited.

Blood Cancer Uncensored celebrated TWO YEARS of serving blood cancer patients, their family, and friends in May! We love that you are making lifelong friends and trying to set up your own meet ups. We would love to hear your stories and see pictures of your meetups; however, the disclaimer is: use intelligent judgement when sharing your personal information and in the interest of not having the appearance of our group recommending large indoor gatherings as the Covid 19 virus is still impacting our decisions, BE SMART AND SAFE!!! If anyone wants to share their cancer journey and fun stuff going on in their lives and wishes to blog, please send an email to us at . We would love to put you on as a writer on!!!

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