Health Before Fitness

It is not unusual for people to take up fitness activities in the hope of becoming healthy. Fitness is really an expression of health suggesting that health should come first to support a regime of physical activity that enhances the body’s current abilities.
We are learning a different approach to fitness that develops our awareness of, and sensitivity to, the body. Training slowly is guided by the body, not the mind setting some numerical targets. It is more like play than work. It is a form of relaxation in movement rather than a performance. This supports our desire to lead a long and active life.
A gentle introduction of different movements is like asking our body’s permission to train our muscles and joints. Inviting our major joints to support our structure and allowing it to move in different ways will counter the effects of sitting long hours or doing repetitive movements in certain work tasks or hobbies. We hope to avoid the limitations imposed by conditions of inflammation or injury.
Finding my center is important to determine what is possible for me at this time. This is like using a compass to find true north when hiking in nature. Awareness of my Hara point helps me find my correct structure when standing, for example. I find that I now tend to choose chairs that allow me to maintain this position so sitting effortlessly has become normal for me. I used to the let the furniture determine how I would sit which resulted in a collapsed version of me that even affected my breathing and digestion.
I have decided that I will prevent, to the extent possible, the effects of aging. I choose to ignore the fact that many people feel these chronic conditions are inevitable and expect to suffer for many years in later life. Thinking differently has a price and it can be a lonely stance at times. I do enjoy meeting people who feel the same as I do and we cheer each other on. The internet allows people of similar interests to meet easily without the time and formality of a face to face encounter in the community.
It may seem like a paradox to do fitness in a relaxed, playful way. How can we get the benefits without trying something new? We are more accustomed to making a big effort while exercising, leading to discomfort, and using our will power to push beyond our ‘comfort zone’. These days, I just take my time to observe and sense what my body wants to do and I do not push it to perform or keep a count of anything at this point. Avoiding injury and expressing health are the keys. Enjoyment, not performance, is possible while letting the body move naturally. Then, when I choose a sport like tennis or golf, I will be better prepared.
Relaxation, breathing and movement are all essential to life. As I develop my daily routines, these actions all happen with much less thought and planning than before. Rather than waiting for something to be prescribed to manage an illness or injury, I would rather act by choice as I build my new lifestyle.
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