What is Leukaemia?

The Healthhearty website has a fascinating page on the history of leukaemia and it’s treatment. Leukaemia is one of the three main types of blood cancer, lymphoma and Myeloma being the others.
Leukemia is a type of blood cancer and is characterized by the presence of excess number of white blood cells in the blood. Although this disease has been around for centuries together, it was officially diagnosed only in 1845 by John Hughes…
The word leukemia comes from the Greek words ‘leukos’ and ‘heima’, which mean white blood and refers to excess white blood cells in the body. Leukemia is a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow, and comprises a broad spectrum of diseases.
— Read on healthhearty.com/history-of-leukemia
Chronic Lympocytic Lukaemia is both a Lukaemia and a lymphoma and which it is only growing in the lymph nodes it is called Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma.The treatment of Leukaemia has come on hugely in the last decades and you can watch a video clip about the advances as well as select patient stories on our page introducing the Blood Cancer UK patient charity
Read More about Leukaemia.

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