How to persuade your British GP to give your teenagers COVID-19 vaccine to protect you

This is another crucial update to our “warn, test, protect and treat” four point plan to stay alive as this virus continues to rage around us and governments open everything up, lifting almost all restrictions. Making this the most dangerous time yet for us. Yesterday we shared important news for American readers. Today it’s the turn of the Brits.
Back on the 19 July there was an announcement from the pragmatic and usually bang on the nail JCVI who in the UK takes the way role of deciding who gets what vaccines when (one of many jobs the CDC does in the USA).
The decision was there since over 12s are not that far from adulthood, and we know they catch and spread COVID19; they can now be vaccinated if they are a household contact of someone who is immune compromised (which includes all Blood cancer patients).
But of course this hasn’t been rolled out properly. Or at least there has been communication about it but many GPs missed the memo.
Don’t wait for a message which will never come.
Don’t bother calling 119 as you will end up educating them!
Ring your GP but be ready to argue with them as they most likely do not realise that it is their responsibility to do this and that it is meant to be done ASAP so that your kid and by extension YOU will be protected by the time they get back to school.
Here are the quotes and links to the official documents you need to show them the error of their ways. It’s frustrating we have to do this. But just maybe they will then do it for other families in your area thanks to you!
NHS England Letter C1355
JCVI advises that children and young people aged 12 years and over who are household contacts of persons (adults or children) who are immunosuppressed should be offered COVID-19 vaccination on the understanding that the main benefits from vaccination are related to the potential for indirect protection of their household contact who is immunosuppressed . . .
Delivery plans must ensure:
• Children are offered a first dose vaccination before returning to school in September.
JCVI Full Guidance
In some areas your GP practice may have legitimately opted out of mop up COVID vaccinations. They may not have any vaccine doses available right now, even if they plan to be involved in the third booster program in September. If this is the case you may need to chase your local CCG (clinical care commissioning group) who have a duty to organise this by the end of August. In my local case they have a single day they are offering teenagers next week at a single site.
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