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Welcome to Blood Cancer Uncensored

Blood Cancer Uncensored, is a global website, Facebook forum and weekly Zoom group run by patients and family members with all kinds of blood cancer. We provide an uncensored and at times raw conversation about what it is like to live with blood cancer, as well as educational informative articles, videos, and a podcast.

The growing team of engaging authors were personally recruited by founder Dr. Adrian Warnock, a medical doctor and clinical research expert who was himself diagnosed with blood cancer, in May 2017. Adrian worked in the pharmaceutical industry for fifteen years helping to run the clinical trials that bring us new medicines. Before this he practised in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), as a psychiatrist, for eight years.

You can read about Adrian’s health journey and his thoughts on handling its psychological effects in “Five years of living with blood cancer uncertainty: No longer desolate. The battle between hope and reality” and the articles linked from that page. Adrian is assisted in overseeing all the activities of Blood Cancer Uncensored by a leadership team:

Other authors here include 

Mel Mann, the world’s longest living Gleevec survivor, MPNs R Us, Tom Henry the CLL Pharmacist (RIP) , CajunJeff of Blood Cancer for Dummies, Maggy Jackson of Think Differently, Andrew and Esther Schorr, founders of Patient Power, CLL Canada, and others.

If you would like to write for us as a one off or regularly please email us on bloodcanceruncensored@gmail.com.


Think of this website as like a virtual buffet that you can pick and choose from. Not everyone needs to read everything you find.


This page lists some good introduction posts which will help you find other information. Or use one our site search engine at the top of each page if you know what you are looking for. You can reach us with any questions via social media or e-mail.

Tame Dr Google – Use our Custom Search Engine

Use this search engine to find quality information from our hand-picked quality blood cancer websites. This customised google search tool will help you find all the information you need to know from trustworthy sources.

Or Use the search box at the top of any page to search only our site.


Our content is aimed to be as easy to understand as possible. Please let us know in the comments if we have made something too complicated.

Our Authors are all volunteers and there is still room for you to join us. Here are some great places to start from and you will find plenty of links to follow as you read or watch our content. Visit this link if you need support or want to donate to help families with blood cancer.

Funding Blood Cancer Families and Research. How to donate or get the help you need.

Vague symptoms – apparently unrelated and hard to diagnose: ThisIsBloodCancer


What is blood cancer?

Leukemia | Lymphoma | Myeloma | Myelodysplasia

Which cells are affected by blood cancer?

How long will I live with blood cancer?

What can I do to live longer with blood cancer?


Emotional distress and anxiety – how to get help #ThisIsBloodCancer

Acute or chronic which is worse? What does AML ALL CLL CML NHL DLBL mean?



High risk for Blood Cancer patients with COVID19


Just how bad is my immune system?


Vaccinations and you (it’s not just COVID!)


Why and how to get antibody tested after COVID19 vaccines

Could your blood save a life?


The tyranny of the positive


Living my life at 3am: an illustration of fatigue



Fatigue – the crushing of energy






Introducing Blood Cancer for Dummies

Why Uncensored?




Blood Cancer is well served by a variety of charities and other patient groups. There are many online chat forums for specific cancers and the Blood Cancer Uncensored Facebook Group provides a meeting place for all patients and their loved ones to continue the conversation. Here we introduce you to some of the very best organisations. If you are looking for support you are welcome to reach out to us via email on individual author pages, or via Facebook or Reddit.

The large blood cancer charities offer telephone support and we encourage our readers to make use of those services.

In the UK we recommend among others Blood Cancer UK’s support line

In the USA the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society have a similar service.

Blood Cancer Uncensored Videos

Click the menu in the top right to select more videos

Blood Cancer UK Patient Stories

Prepare to be deeply moved as you listen to deeply moving accounts bravely shared by patients and their families affected by a broad range of Blood Cancers. These videos and many more are available on the Blood Cancer UK Youtube channel. Click the menu at the top right to select specific videos.

Listen to our Podcast on your favorite platform

As you reflect on this article, we would love to hear your thoughts. Be aware of where you want to make them. You can comment or like a post on Facebook or Twitter where everyone can see which may be appropriate for some of you.

But for example if you have not told your friends or family about your blood cancer we recommend you instead join our private discussion group or one of the many other private forums for those with a personal interest in blood cancer.

Please take care that you are aware whether you are commenting privately by looking for the words “Support” “group” and “private” in the top left hand corner of any group on Facebook.

Our Facebook Page is the front door for the group and you can also join it there, but it is also the place like Martin Luther we pin our thoughts on the door for the world to see. Only you know how much you want to share with the world and how much you want to keep private. Please just don’t accidentally post in the wrong place!


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Adrian Warnock
  • Adrian Warnock
  • Dr. Adrian Warnock is a medical doctor and clinical research expert who was himself diagnosed with blood cancer in May 2017. Adrian worked in the pharmaceutical industry for fifteen years helping to run the clinical trials that bring us new medicines and communicate the results. Before this he practised in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), as a psychiatrist, for eight years.

    Adrian is a published author, the founder of Blood Cancer Uncensored, and has written a Christian blog since 2003 at Patheos. He is passionate about learning how to approach suffering with hope and compassion. Adrian's articles are not medical advice and he is not a haematologist or blood cancer doctor. Always seek individualised advice from your health care professionals. You can e-mail Adrian here.