New treatments in Hodgkin lymphoma

Our friends at Patient Power havd a great new video about some new developments in the treatment of one of the more aggressive types of lymphocyte blood cancer. It’s so encouraging how fast developments are coming for so many blood cancers at the moment. Here’s a quote:
So once Hodgkin lymphoma comes back after primary treatment, the standard of care is to get some kind of salvage treatment and then get an autologous stem cell transplant, which is basically high‑dose chemotherapy followed by getting your stem cells back to regenerate your bone marrow.
There are a number of new drugs that have come up in the last year to be used in the relapsed setting. So there are antibody‑drug conjugates. There is a C25 antibody‑drug conjugate that actually has great overall response rates. There are also new bispecifics that are both targeting CD30 and are looking at targeting NK cells, natural killer cells”

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