Paid Survey Offer from Global Patients for CLL/SLL Patients in USA

Thank you to Miryam González of Global Patients for sharing this paid research opportunity! Please click this link for this particular study (and send an email to Miryam regarding your interest in the study with your phone number–the email is at the bottom of each study opportunity) but also take a look at their website in general for interesting opportunities not necessarily related to blood cancer!

Finally, if you decide to join any of these studies, please mention when you email Miryam that you learned about it from Blood Cancer Uncensored.

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Lisa Wiest
  • Lisa Wiest
  • Blood cancer DX 1/5/17 (CLL). I am a nobody in the grand scheme. I can choose to be overwhelmed by my circumstances and all the "whys" and "what fors" or I can surrender. I choose surrender. By the grace of God through Jesus Christ, I have become a Child of God. Being on His team is the only sure thing in this life. This is my journey. A peek into my joys, fears, and passions. Come along with me and smell the flowers along the way. ~Lisa You can e-mail Lisa here.