Top Blood Cancer Uncensored Posts of 2020

This site was born during 2020. A lockdown project fuelled by a steroid-induced burst of a bit more mental energy than I have been used to for a while.
The website is a joint effort with other authors and has also led to both Facebook and WhatsApp discussion groups and a weekly Zoom support group (You can e-mail Adrian here for more information about the groups or to volunteer as an author).
This has been quite a journey and thank you for all who have been along for the ride. Here is a list of the most popular posts of the year, with the most popular at the top.
I hope you will enjoy reading some of these which you didn’t see first time round. Many of these posts outline reliable information about COVID19 in an easy to understand style. The rest take the same approach to blood cancer. Here you can learn about cancer journeys told honestly with no censorship.
Will the Oxford vaccine work? Initial results in context – the beginning of the end for COVID-19?
High risk for Blood Cancer patients with COVID19
Why the struggle is what really counts
A blood cancer tsunami hit me three years ago today
Which Medicines Treat COVID-19? – Dexamethasone? Hydroxychloroquine? Antivirals? Monoclonal Antibodies?
Fatigue – the crushing of energy
Should Blood Cancer Patients take the COVD19 vaccine?
The tyranny of the positive
No Second wave? Long-term COVID19 herd immunity already? Science suggests variable and long-lasting coronavirus protection.
How long will I live with blood cancer?
Why “remission” can feel like a crushing blow
Interview with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Surivor Sharon Edwards
UK government advises all blood cancer patients to stop going out to work or shops
A hospital admission in the COVID19 era
Dealing with the threefold tyranny of a damaged immune system (Infections, Inflammation, Fatigue)
Staying safe from Covid19 as lockdown eases
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) clinical update
“I’m new here” : find out more, use our custom search engine
What can I do to live longer with blood cancer?
Revolutionary Plug and Play Vaccine Platform
The future of CLL treatment – time limited combination treatments?
Covid vaccine news – what it means for us
Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS) is an Emergency we must ALL be alert to.
How a vaccine works
Shielders advised they are safe to go out once a day
Adrian’s First Walk in over Ten Weeks Shielding
Diagnosing and Understanding Cancer related fatigue
What is Passive vaccination? Does Convalescent Plasma work? What is IVIG?
Venetoclax and obinutuzumab funded in England by NICE, acalabrutinib licensed- the end of FCR chemotherapy for CLL?
Video: Prof Peter Hillmen Global Expert explains CLL
Corona Hope: Oxford Vaccine & things WE can do
Mutated and unmutated CLL for dummies
Ashwagandha Use in the Fatigue Fog?
A Big Not Scary Answer
What is blood cancer?
Diagnosing and Understanding Cancer related fatigue
Ibrutinib and BTK inhibitors for dummies
COVID-19 and Blood Cancer an Expert’s View – with Prof Peter Hillmen
FCR Diary – Cycle 4 to 6 and my reflections
Introducing Blood Cancer for Dummies

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