What’s Happening During BCAM 2022
Words to my family and friends upon the realization that I have a blood cancer.
1.) Just sit, listen, and hold my hand with me awhile when I’m upset and I just need to talk things out. 2.) Don’t criticize me or call me lazy when I’m tired because the level of tired I feel is ten times worse than normal and just because I don’t show it, doesn’t mean I don’t feel it. 3.)Help me by taking me to my doctor appointments and not talking while there unless I ask you if you have anything to add (and maybe take notes. I am way too nervous to do that). 4.)Remind me to take my medications, to bathe, to eat, to breathe. 5.)If I am trying to enter into a medical trial to help future patients after me, help me sort through the paperwork 6.) Help me out around the house or with meals. I am fatigued all the time! 7.)Donate your healthy blood and plasma–I, or someone else like me, might need them someday.
And finally, MAKE ME LAUGH!
- Volunteer. Anyone can become a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) volunteer. Head over to their website and apply for one of the many opportunities for volunteering.
- Participate in events. Get involved with local events or charitable fundraisers hosted by organizations.
- Become an advocate. Advocacy is critical for the LLS. The more people know and the disease is talked about, the better. SOURCE:https://nationaltoday.com/blood-cancer-awareness-month
These are some examples of where and how you can do this:
UNITED STATES: https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html
UNITED KINGDOM https://www.blood.co.uk/
CANADA https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/donating-blood
Bonus: Blogs from a cancer survivor named Anthony Wilson: https://anthonywilsonpoetry.com/2016/02/10/ten-years-today/

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