My "New Normal" really began in September 2017 when I walked, slightly dazed, out of my doctor's surgery at the end of a busy work day. Routine blood …
Some people find it is a bit strange when a doctor is the one who is sick. In this 30 min talk I explain what it was like for me, and share a few less…
This is more or less written for me as I cope with the grief of the loss of my mom last month. I also wanted a way to remember my childhood, and was t…
Blood Cancer Uncensored is honoured to have been selected as a partner site to the CLL Pharmacist, and is delighted to welcome their founder Tom Henry…
Yesterday we had some more great news on the vaccine front. Since all the current vaccines work in a similar way because they use the original COVID19…
A dramatic plunge in positive coronavirus swab rates have been seen in the first 50,000 over 60's vaccinated in Israel. Very encouraging data has been…
Vaccines work by preventing infections altogether or by reducing the severity of disease. But do the new COVID19 vaccines also prevent us from passing…
No babies were aborted in order to make COVID-19 vaccines. But a human cell line originating from an embryo was used (HEK293). This article briefly explains the science and ethical thinking about the vaccines.
Right now 1 in 30 Londoners are infective for COVID19 and the NHS here is in crisis. What do we know about how the body fights this disease. Why do some people end up in hospital? How can a blood saturation monitor help you? What do we know about antibodies?
The UK Government medical advisors have made a pragmatic decision to delay the second doses of COVID19 vaccines to up to twelve weeks. It is believed that this is better for the whole population. We examine why.
Over the next few articles, I will answer questions about COVID19 vaccines based on their published clinical research. Today: "Do some people get COVID19 despite being vaccinated?"
How well do vaccines work in patients with blood cancer? This study looked at treated and untreated patients with CLL to assess vaccine response rates.
It must be stressed that this is of course still an experimental treatment, although there is clearly a lot of emerging evidence that antibodies are important in fighting COVID19. So there is a reasonable hope that recipients of this treatment like this will most likely experience at least some degree of protection from the COVID19 virus which is not dependent on their own immune system.
Blood Cancer Uncensored was born during the first lockdown. Many of these posts outline reliable information about COVID19 in an easy to understand style.
This website is run by a group of authors of various faith backgrounds. And I am always on the look out for new volunteers of all faiths or none. We a…
All I want for Christmas is a Covid19 Vaccine. Tomorrow the UK will become the first county to vaccinate members of its population with an authorised and fully-tested vaccine against Coronavirus. Considering most of us had not even heard of coronavirus a year ago this is a remarkable feat of modern science.
What a strange year 2020 has been! Prior to the beginning of this year, I believe many of us had plans, hopes, and resolutions which quickly faded as …
A BRIEF HISTORY OF NATHANIEL NABENA'S JOURNEY FROM AFRICA TO LONDON Nathaniel was a bright young boy growing up in Nigeria. He was doing well at schoo…
I love beautiful things like the keys in this picture. Functional and lovely! I told you at one point that I would write something about our other dog…
Today NICE announced that they have agreed to fund Venetocolax plus obinutuzamab for all first line patients with CLL who want to take it in England. …
Yesterday the world was given great news. This was perhaps the most positive pieces of news since the pandemic began. Understandably government figure…
What can we do to improve our chances of living for many years after a blood cancer diagnosis? Covers accepting treatment, healthy living, and mental health.
I got an email from the UK government advising a return to a limited form of shielding today. In particular there is strong advice to avoid visiting a…
Today we continue publishing my two year old treatment diary. Please remember these posts come with a health warning. My experience will not be your e…
This is a continuation of a warts and all diary of my FCR treatment which happened two years ago and is now being published on the open web for the fi…
Blood Cancer Uncensored is a community effort. We are a group of people affected by blood cancer who are committed to supporting and informing others …
I have never seen really, really extreme weather where I live. Yeah, I was around for the Blizzard of 1977 in Western New York, but I was a kid and it…
Two years ago this week I started chemotherapy as part of the FLAIR trial. Here I share my diary from that time. Please turn away if you are the sort …
A friendly warning message As I explained yesterday, I am two years out this week from starting FCR chemotherapy. Spoiler alert: the treatment worked …
This week marks the two year anniversary of me starting FCR chemotherapy. The FCR stands for Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab. This is stil…
A while back I found a great article on fatigue aimed at doctors but understandable to I would expect most of us who read this site. It’s all about ca…
How do I decide what to eat? Someone offers it and I want to be agreeable = SOCIAL I like the taste, the flavour/aroma just before it enters my mouth.…
I cut my finger a few days ago. I was riding my, I was doing, I was, I was fixing something in the house. All …
Earlier in the week it was announced that following an unusual illness arising in one of 30,000 people who have so far taken the Oxford vaccine trial …
Inflammation is like a fire in the body that triggers an alarm to alert me to a crisisThe alarm gets different names… such as joint pain, indigestion …
I found finishing chemo and being told I was in remission the most difficult time emotionally. It was worse than the initial diagnosis time. Worse than actually going through chemo. Worse than being in hospital with life threatening infections.
It is not unusual for people to take up fitness activities in the hope of becoming healthy. Fitness is really an expression of health suggesting that …
Humans have wonderful minds and mine is always busy. I will often find myself thinking about the past or worrying about the future. And yet I must adm…
This is not a picture of me. But perhaps it could be. Recently, my husband bought used bikes for both of us. We are having such a wonderful summer, ev…
Did you know that Tumor Lysis Syndrome can occur spontaneously even for patients not receiving treatment. We all should know the symptoms of TLS as it…
When a new idea is presented, our tendency is to defend what is familiar to us. Nothing could be more sacred that our habitual ways of eating and drin…
I am not who I was before. I am actually better somehow, but I do have trouble seeing that sometimes... It is interesting how this disease has stolen …
What is your goal for treatment? Getting rid of as much CLL as possible and having a long remission? Or containing the CLL and putting it into reverse for a long time?
In today's post Scott shares his own personal reflections on this lawsuit. This does not constitute legal advice and anyone involved in this case is a…
Told by doctors she was going to die, Sharon Edwards has survived ten years following a diagnosis of high grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Her type of DLBL was aggressive, and needed aggressive treatment. Sharon shares her experiences with us in this interview.
This life is so strange. We hopefully live life as healthy individuals at least until age 40 or age 50, but inevitably, these bodies break down. Then,…
When we are challenged to learn something new as children, we usually rely on what others say. It may be a parent, a teacher, a book or a TV program. …
WHAT COMES NEXT Shane Scott (all rights reserved) Death never hurts. Dying usually does. Living, that hurts most of all. That might sound clever or ev…
Yes THAT Scott for those who knew him in another life. The recruitment rate is hotting up. Two new bloggers in as many days! This one will be bit of a…
It is our great honour to welcome the seventh member of the writing team here at Blood Cancer Uncensored: Tom Henry who is a specialist pharmacist, a …
This post was first published in November 2019 Many years ago (decades actually), I watched a child screaming in fear as a Doctor prepared an injectio…
Welcome to a new Planet health series exploring how learning to breathe in a different way might improve your energy levels. Join Eric as he introduce…
Use this search engine to find quality information form our hand-picked blood cancer websites. This customised google search tool will help you find a…
A very difficult childhood. Bereaved of her father at the age of nine. Taken into care. A teenage rebel. Bereaved again of her beloved sister when a y…
In this Blood Cancer for Dummies article the focus is on clonal evolution which is the process by which cancer cells can acquire resistance to treatme…
This post was originally published in November 2019 Thank you for all the kind thoughts and comments since I’ve been doing these posts on my CLL. I ge…
This post was originally published in early October 2019 I've been quiet for a while recently (I told you - this replaces my sessions with my beloved …
My friend texted me in a panic one morning. She was asking for prayer as she had drunk some rancid cream. She followed that text up with another that …
This article was originally published in late September 2019 As I sit here in a little slice of paradise thanks to the largesse of a much loved friend…
This post was originally written in September 2019 I know a number of people in my network are fighting various forms of cancer and (from our chats) i…
"Oxford vaccine causes double defence against COVID-19" was the overnight breaking news in the Telegraph. I cannot confirm or deny this leak. But this article aims to put it in context.
Depending upon the moment I ask you this question, you may answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Modern life seems to be a competition for our time and attention. Eve…
This is a very serious post. I do not have any jokes about pets or condiments this time. As I felt sickness overcome me three times in the last 2 week…
Diverse experiences have shaped me, including living in Switzerland for a year and then Congo-DRC for 6 years. I was involved in community development…
We enjoyed some well-deserved time off this week. It is a beautiful summer here in Western New York, and the weather has been beyond excellent. Some s…
This blog was only launched in May and so we are honoured to have been included in the top 30 Leukemia blogs selected by Feedspot. There are lots of o…