As an ex-convent boarding school child I was brainwashed! 60 years on I realise that the regime was destructive, abusive bullying and cruel. My belief…
I cast my mind back to 2004 in India when I started with hot flushes and fainting. Then two campylobacter infections which didn’t clear up. Thought it…
A year ago I was celebrating my birthday totally oblivious of a ticking time bomb. Yes I had an enlarged spleen and my haematologist sent me for a CT …
This article was first published on my Patheos blog as UK Health Minister: Cancer Patient, Christian, Gay, Realist I was going to publish this yesterd…
When we are diagnosed with an illness that is life threatening we can feel very isolated. It is hard to admit to oneself that we have an illness that …
Our friends at Blood Cancer UK (the leading British blood cancer charity) have produced a series of video discussions and made them available on YouTu…
I was so very ill when I was diagnosed with cancer in November 2022. At the first hospital, I was diagnosed with colon cancer along with some sort of …
In my work I have had the privilege of supporting people who have been bereaved. During the pandemic I worked with many souls who had lost relatives a…
Be your own patient advocate! I was “too busy” with work and “too busy” being a caregiver to find another Primary. I kept going back to the same docto…
On April 21 the unthinkable and yet perhaps inevitable happened. I had worsening of my asthma and what felt like severe hay fever. After a spell in th…
Andrew and I are still active in the work that Patient Power ( does to help educate and empower cancer patients and their families a…
I have noticed the older I get, the opportunity for me is to grow up too. Not grow down but up. What I mean is, be less entrenched in my strongly held…
Yes, it's true! I had the wonderful opportunity to speak, with Jana my partner and wife, with the Dream Factory Community, founded and lead by Nancy C…
Thoughts on what is and what isn’t CLL related. After 12 years of watch and wait I started treatment in 2017. I had Ibrutinib first and transferred to…
After a couple of COVID years of virtual gathering, Andrew and I were able to attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting i…
Andrew and I have been through "watch and wait together" and he's got a few words of experience for those who want to know what the potential signs to…
April 12 2022 was my 65th Birthday! I Really Did Beat Those 1995 Terminal Cancer Odds! I celebrate a milestone 65th birthday, after being diagnosed wi…
Another year has passed. Today is the anniversary, not of my actual diagnosis with blood cancer (that came 22 long days later), but rather the day I b…
This last week has been the most traumatic since forever. My husband had a cardiac ablation. He developed a pseudo aneurysm of the femoral artery whic…
After writing my first post for the Blood Cancer Uncensored website group, I just had to decompress and get out of the house and get fresh air- I am s…
Many thanks to this powerful and profound community, and especially to Adrian Warnock, for allowing me to be a member and share my thoughts. Adrian re…
I am really saddened by our loss of Tom. I think of him as "every-man's friend." He was so personable. With so many treatments today for CLL/SLL, I fi…
I am sorry to report the loss of one of our beloved authors here at blood cancer uncensored, and a regular attender of our weekly zoom call. Tom was a…
When I was diagnosed in 2013, I was devastated beyond anything I could’ve imagined. My future just disappeared. I didn’t feel well, I was losing weigh…
My cancer story begins in the year 2000 on a sunny day in May. I was in nursing school, in a blood module, looking deep into a slide of my own blood c…
In this video I'm interviewed by Adrian Warnock. We talk about my experience of being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia at age 33, including my t…
Thank you to all of our readers who supported the campaign to raise the funding needed for Nathaniel. Blood cancer can be very brutal at times. But th…
Piecing your life back together after a cancer diagnosis. Blood Cancer Uncensored is pleased to support the international #thisisbloodcancer campaign.…
Today Blood Cancer Uncensored is delighted to introduce our newest author, writer and "blood cancer recoverer", Jenni Elbourne. Today we share some sa…
This is a video that should help anyone preparing for a stem cell transplant or any other scary treatment for their blood cancer. In it Adrian is chat…
We did it! Nathaniel's stem cell has today been fully funded. The GoFundMe page has hit over £200,000! It has been an amazing day of generosity. The G…
It has been a huge honor to recently get to know a member of our Facebook Blood Cancer Uncensored Facebook communty who is also sharing his story here…
We have just days to find the funds to save our boy's life. Meanwhile Nathaniel is doing remarkably well. Lewis Hamilton is an inspiration to our boy, and it was amazing to spend a normal day watching Lewis Hamilton race in Formula 1 and attend our online church.
A huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have donated, commented, prayed.... without you, Nathaniel wouldn't be where he is now!26 APRIL 2021…
Following previous dental issues I started with urinary tract infections (UTI). Just put it down to age – the menopause does strange things to our wat…
After a very quiet period I had started succumbing to minor infections- chest, mouth and urinary tract. Nothing major. My GP had instructed me to ring…
For a few months I hadn’t felt 100 percent. I had put it down to returning from a year in India. On the whole I had a very happy healthy and relaxed t…
Comparing size is not helpful. Ok - so we all worked out pretty early in our cancer journey that this particular life experience was unlikely to featu…
The challenges, the pitfalls, the lessons learnt from over 20 years of a personal journey and learning from others through her work Patient Power Join…
Some people find it is a bit strange when a doctor is the one who is sick. In this 30 min talk I explain what it was like for me, and share a few less…
A BRIEF HISTORY OF NATHANIEL NABENA'S JOURNEY FROM AFRICA TO LONDON Nathaniel was a bright young boy growing up in Nigeria. He was doing well at schoo…
Today we continue publishing my two year old treatment diary. Please remember these posts come with a health warning. My experience will not be your e…
Two years ago this week I started chemotherapy as part of the FLAIR trial. Here I share my diary from that time. Please turn away if you are the sort …
A friendly warning message As I explained yesterday, I am two years out this week from starting FCR chemotherapy. Spoiler alert: the treatment worked …
This week marks the two year anniversary of me starting FCR chemotherapy. The FCR stands for Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab. This is stil…
I found finishing chemo and being told I was in remission the most difficult time emotionally. It was worse than the initial diagnosis time. Worse than actually going through chemo. Worse than being in hospital with life threatening infections.
Told by doctors she was going to die, Sharon Edwards has survived ten years following a diagnosis of high grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Her type of DLBL was aggressive, and needed aggressive treatment. Sharon shares her experiences with us in this interview.
There are things in life that have no apparent way out. All of the therapists on the planet, no matter how hard they try to solve the problems, cannot. We all need help. We need a Savior bigger than the giant.
So following yesterday’s change to the advice (and it was always only advice!) we decided to have a go at walking out. It was a bit scary. But we deci…
Grabbed some time with Andrew Schorr from Patient Power. Was great to hear about how he was one of the first cohort of patients to be treated with FCR…
Some people have asked how we came up with the title for this site. The first two words are obvious since we are talking about blood cancer it makes s…
In this interview with well known Christian pastor Matt Chandler, I explore his story and the two of us reflect on the common experience of facing up …