As an ex-convent boarding school child I was brainwashed! 60 years on I realise that the regime was destructive, abusive bullying and cruel. My belief…
A year ago I was celebrating my birthday totally oblivious of a ticking time bomb. Yes I had an enlarged spleen and my haematologist sent me for a CT …
Our friends at Blood Cancer UK (the leading British blood cancer charity) have produced a series of video discussions and made them available on YouTu…
I was so very ill when I was diagnosed with cancer in November 2022. At the first hospital, I was diagnosed with colon cancer along with some sort of …
Be your own patient advocate! I was “too busy” with work and “too busy” being a caregiver to find another Primary. I kept going back to the same docto…
This opportunity was sent to us by our friends at Social Health Network is conducting a market research study on behalf of a sponsor,…
On April 21 the unthinkable and yet perhaps inevitable happened. I had worsening of my asthma and what felt like severe hay fever. After a spell in th…
Was it real? Three years on after the beginning of the pandemic and I am still living in what seems to be a surreal nightmare. I seem to have lost thr…
Health Union is conducting the in America survey to better understand the impact and management of chronic health conditions. Survey responses also he…
We were blessed to have Dr. Shahzad Mustafa again from Rochester Regional Head of Allergy and Immunology in Rochester, NY with us on January 21st. Alw…
Andrew and I are still active in the work that Patient Power ( does to help educate and empower cancer patients and their families a…
In March 2022 I started a petition on the parliament website urging the rapid role out of this life saving medicine. This week the petiton was debated…
This time we have an opportunity from Evolve Fieldwork Limited Ltd. for a short (30-minute) survey for United Kingdom folks for 35 GBP compensation fo…
Thank you to Miryam González of Global Patients for sharing this paid research opportunity! Please click this link for this particular study (and send…
Please note: this is an opinion piece, not an endorsement for any particular type of activity (see editor's note, below). After two years of lethargy …
As summer is here now and for some of us, this is the only time we can get out and enjoy better weather, I have compiled a list of safe activities for…
Yes, it's true! I had the wonderful opportunity to speak, with Jana my partner and wife, with the Dream Factory Community, founded and lead by Nancy C…
Thoughts on what is and what isn’t CLL related. After 12 years of watch and wait I started treatment in 2017. I had Ibrutinib first and transferred to…
Andrew and I have been through "watch and wait together" and he's got a few words of experience for those who want to know what the potential signs to…
Simon Thomas is a TV sports presenter who's wife sadly died three days after a diagnosis of blood cancer. He presents this informative and engaging pr…
Catch up with Andrew Schorr's latest videos on how he and Esther are managing to enjoy life whilst still being cautious because of his two blood cance…
April 12 2022 was my 65th Birthday! I Really Did Beat Those 1995 Terminal Cancer Odds! I celebrate a milestone 65th birthday, after being diagnosed wi…
As spring is slowly spreading across the land, I always have hope that flowers and leaves will appear again after a long, dry winter. And it is emergi…
This post was shared by Christine Soper and Preston Norman. On January 19th, my grandad, "Poppy", John Wayne Soper, departed this life. He was an unbe…
Another year has passed. Today is the anniversary, not of my actual diagnosis with blood cancer (that came 22 long days later), but rather the day I b…
How many more deaths will it take before the government finally buys Evusheld to protect immune compromised patients, and makes it much easier to get …
We want to hear your stories. Sadly we are even hearing of people who tried and failed to get preventative COVID19 treatments, or the antivirals for w…
While we are still in "virtual" event mode (in-person events hopefully coming soon), Patient Power is offering three FREE online events before the end…
When I got my first dose of Evusheld on February 15th here in Western New York State, the talk about the 2nd booster was a very quiet buzz around here…
There's great need among cancer patients to self-advocate for the right and best treatment, and there are great organizations out there to support you…
The staggering news that the UK government has not even bothered to open negotiations with Astra Zeneca about Evusheld is covered in the iNews this mo…
We are delighted to welcome to Blood Cancer Uncensored our friends Andrew and Esther Schorr as our latest authors. Today we share Andrew's latest frie…
Ministers continue make excuses on a regular basis that they cannot discuss any negotiations that may or may not be going on with the maker of EVUSHEL…
One of the great benefits of our Blood Cancer Group and specifically the weekly Zoom chat is seeing members' personalities come out after getting to k…
We were elated at the approval of a treatment which provides a similar preventative shield as vaccines for those who don't make their own antibodies. …
This information was up to date at time of publishing. Encapsulated in this article are some good resources to which you can subscribe to get latest i…
This is a Q and A with Immunologist Dr S. Shahzad Mustafa at our weekly Zoom Call. We explore issues related to our risk of infections including COVD-…
One of our favourite charities here at Blood Cancer Uncensoered is Blood Cancer UK. They recently set a group to work on what it means to beat blood c…
Finally many months after the USA, the UK regulator has approved this product designed for patients like me with blood cancer and other causes of immu…
Many of us have been waiting MONTHS for this and have sent countless emails informing everyone we can think of that we were somehow left off the list …
Please let Katie know if you are willing to participate in her research. Limited space! Details below. My name is Katie, and I am doctorate student at…
The FDA has a sensible approach about monoclonal antibodies. There is a recognition that if you can get to a plasma level of antibodies which in a lab…
I suppose you are wondering what I mean by that title. Well, I'll tell you! Two years ago I cannot even begin to describe how I was spending my time. …
Today I feel betrayed. I understand the desire to save money and get back to normal life. But we, the 500,000 who are immune compromised due to blood …
Blood Cancer Uncensored was privileged to be a part of project to outline the impact of the pandemic on people with blood cancer and other immune comp…
Blood cancer patients made up 1 in 20 of all deaths caused by COVID19 between October and December 2021. This was twice as high a proportion of COVID1…
I am really saddened by our loss of Tom. I think of him as "every-man's friend." He was so personable. With so many treatments today for CLL/SLL, I fi…
Here in the UK in a masterpiece of marketing genius the makers of Marmite (similar to Vegemite) created the slogan "You either love it or hate it". In…
Until very recently the NHS was denying that there had been any problems with identifying those at highest risk of COVID19 in order to offer them prio…
In the last few days it has been our honour to be quoted twice in the iNews site which also exists as a newspaper. Many thanks to Paul Gallagher for w…
Government backs down after patient community complaints reported by Blood Cancer Uncensored and but new barrier to life saving treatment …
Rewind to Mid March 2020- we were alerted to this pandemic emerging and actually chose to shield before all the myriad of letters, texts and leaflets …
I thought I would share an update on my previous post on navigating NHS chaos in regard to getting the monoclonal antibodies and antivirals. This is b…
Video update on how to protect ourselves from omicron. If you are in the UK and havent got your priority PCR test at home yet call 119 and ask them to…
The UK roll out of community COVID-19 treatment with monoclonal antibodies is failing some blood cancer and other immune compromised patients. NHS Eng…
Antivirals and monoclonal antibodies are life saving, game changing treatments, especially for those of us with blood cancer and hence a disordered im…
As I reflect on another year gone by and my second year working with Blood Cancer Uncensored, I want to draw some conclusions that for me, are persona…
When I was diagnosed in 2013, I was devastated beyond anything I could’ve imagined. My future just disappeared. I didn’t feel well, I was losing weigh…
On October 13th, Blood Cancer Uncensored had the opportunity of interviewing Jessica, a positive, energizing lady and her accomplished son Jaden. Jess…
This information was current at the time of publishing. The advancement of Car T therapy for the blood cancers is definitely something to keep watchin…
Today Joy introduces us to a fascinating paper about the way different mutations are involved in the formation of MPNs and their risk of transformatio…
How do you know if YOU have blood cancer? On the last day of Blood Cancer Awareness month let's think about this question together. With many other ty…
Blood Cancer Uncensored is pleased to support the international #thisisbloodcancer campaign. Please consider sharing your story of what blood cancer m…
Meet Cara "Bear" McLaughlin, a mother of four whose life changed completely over five years ago when she was diagnosed with PV, which is one of the MP…
My cancer story begins in the year 2000 on a sunny day in May. I was in nursing school, in a blood module, looking deep into a slide of my own blood c…
Whether you are in watch and wait, in the middle of aggressive treatment, or finished treatment and out the other side with a remission, then anxiety …
Thank you to all of our readers who supported the campaign to raise the funding needed for Nathaniel. Blood cancer can be very brutal at times. But th…
Blood Cancer Uncensored is pleased to support the International #thisisbloodcancer campaign. Please consider sharing your story of what blood cancer m…
Piecing your life back together after a cancer diagnosis. Blood Cancer Uncensored is pleased to support the international #thisisbloodcancer campaign.…
Who on this group does not know they have blood cancer? Or that their loved one has it? I realize there are folks on our group who are trying to get i…
Today Blood Cancer Uncensored is delighted to introduce our newest author, writer and "blood cancer recoverer", Jenni Elbourne. Today we share some sa…
When you walk out of that first diagnosis appointment all some people remember is the word "lymphoma", "leukemia" or "myeloma". But to understand what…